Nupur Sharma
1 min readDec 17, 2020

Comparison : The Thief of Joy!

A note to the people struggling with comparison.
It’s easy to believe what you see of others is true.
It’s easy to believe people have that perfect relationship, perfect job, and “perfect” body when you’re at a distance.
It’s easy to convince yourself that you aren’t enough. That you’re the only person who hasn’t figured it out.
Please be kind to yourself and know this: What you see is never the whole truth.
People aren’t posting their failures or worst images.
People don’t wear their struggles as a name tag in public.
I just wanted this msg to be on your mind today if you’re struggling with comparison and feeling less than.
Everyone is human behind it all. You’re only seeing their one percent. You are THE CUTEST 100% of the time 🥰🌸

Not best of the pic but see cute right 😛👇

Nupur Sharma

A Creative and Energetic transformational and mindshift Coach who simply wears her perosnality and firmly voices her opinions!!